From gutters to downspouts, Shelter from the Storm has you covered

Get ready for thunderstorm season with stylish custom gutters from Shelter from the Storm.


If you want to install or repair gutters in or around Hartford, WI, now is the time to call the experts at Shelter from the Storm. We have been installing and repairing gutters for years and offer our clients a range of custom-built gutters and downspouts that will perform in any weather. From thunderstorms to ice storms, our gutters are tried and tested for life here in Wisconsin. If you are interested in getting new gutters or have questions about gutter protection, then now is the time to see how Shelter from the Storm can help!


As one of the top installers of gutters in the region, Shelter from the Storm cuts to measure our gutters on-site and installs them right away. We are all about efficiency, and with our experienced installers, we can easily handle even the toughest installs.

K style

Our K Style gutters are the perfect option for those looking for gutters in this great state. K Style allows for easy water and debris movement and will ensure your home is protected even in the most brutal rainstorms.


All of our K Style gutters are made of solid and durable aluminum. Aluminum has long been the choice metal for gutters as it can withstand the winds while also being light enough not to put added strain on your fascia board.

Gutter Repair

For years, the Shelter from the Storm team has been providing spot gutter repairs as needed. If a repair is too much, we can also offer gutter replacement services, as sometimes a gutter repair can cost more than a simple replacement with a new K Style gutter.

Gutter Protection - Shur Flo brand

Shur Flo is the go-to in gutter protection systems to help prevent leaves, pine needles and debris. The system is tried and tested to deal with Wisconsin Spring and Fall and will help avoid gutter blockages for years.

Get A Quote

Whether you are looking for a new deck or railings, now is the time to call the experts at Shelter from the Storm and enjoy your summer in style.